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Relationship Or Marriage Crisis

How can you better handle a marriage crisis? Almost all relationships will most definitely go through crisis and they are a crucial test of one's Mental Health. The following questions suggest some of the crises which married or dating couples may face.

1. How would you deal with death of spouse?

2. Surving Adultery...How would you handle the problem of adultery?

3. What if you find yourself in love with someone else?

4. What if after your marriage you fall out of love with the other?

In the discussion of these questions, my task has not been to settle for you, or to have you settle, all your problems in advance. I have sought only to give those not yet married some understanding of the kinds of questions and problems which they should face now in order to live more worthwhile married lives later, and to explore some of the possibilities for both explanation and solution of these problems.

I shall not wish you good luck. For marriage success, as in any phase of living, is not a matter of luck. It will depend mainly upon intelligent understanding, plus the determination to succeed, which is sufficient to inspire you to pay the costs of success.

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